Our Mission
We redefine what PR can be. We offer Next Level PR; starting from our strong PR foundation and layering in the best services for our clients. We craft and tell the stories that make our clients famous.
Our Values
In all that we are, do and communicate we most closely value reliability and respect. No need to wonder or ask twice. No need for pinky swears. Ever.
Our Team

Melanie Rego

Victoria Moreno

Celeste Kirk

Paige Weidner

Marissa Themeles

Meagan Fett

Shan Sorathiya

Anne Cayer

Lindsey Soper

Melanie Rego
KNOWN FOR: Any excuse to celebrate!
MAKES ME LAUGH: Wit, funny people who make me laugh

Victoria Moreno
Content and Social Media Coordinator
KNOWN FOR: Being a kind, genuine and creative spirit
FAVOURITE QUOTE: And when you want something, the universe conspires into helping you achieve it. – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
MAKES ME LAUGH: Coincidences, because I believe that’s the universe’s sense of humour. That and funny cat videos

Celeste Kirk
Insights & Acting COO
KNOWN FOR: My love of pub-quiz nights
FAVOURITE QUOTE: “No dress rehearsal, this is our life” – Gord Downie
MAKES ME LAUGH: Corny “knock knock” jokes

Paige Weidner
Public Relations Coordinator
KNOWN FOR: My Playlists
FAVOURITE QUOTE: I like today. I’ve never seen this one before!
MAKES ME LAUGH: My best friends

Marissa Themeles
PR Account Manager
KNOWN FOR: Being a party planner extraordinaire
FAVOURITE QUOTE: It’s better to regret something than wonder, what if?
MAKES ME LAUGH: Bad dad jokes

Meagan Fett
PR Account Manager
KNOWN FOR: Coffee addiction
FAVOURITE QUOTE: “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo
MAKES ME LAUGH: Anything Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

Shan Sorathiya
Assistant Controller
KNOWN FOR: My love to travel, especially cruises
FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Always do you best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – Og Mandino
MAKES ME LAUGH: Michael Scott from the Office and Joey from Friends

Anne Cayer
KNOWN FOR: An enduring love for off-the-beaten-path travel, French pâtisseries and raccoons
FAVOURITE QUOTE: For my part, my youth may wear and waste, but it shall never rust in my possession.
William Congreve
MAKES ME LAUGH: Dachshunds in ridiculous outfits

Lindsey Soper
KNOWN FOR: My intuition and ability to remain calm under pressure
FAVOURITE QUOTE: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” – Walt Disney.
MAKES ME LAUGH: My French Bulldog, Willow <3