Introducing POP
POP is a series of ELEVATOR brand packages designed to support businesses with essential PR services required throughout the various stages of growth and development. POP also works well for repositioning strategies and bringing new products and services to market.
Think – the future is…
When it’s time to launch your business, a new product or service, or a new recruit announcement to a target audience, PR is an important first-step in the right direction to get noticed and build your brand.
Priced per project.

The heat is on…
You’re experiencing business momentum. Raising capital or brand awareness is what you need to get to the next level. Our PR messaging can target investors, businesses and consumers making you top–of-mind via stories crafted to share news of your progress.
This is a month-to-month with a minimum of three months.

Time to dive in…
Your business is in need of brand revitalization through a series of compelling, creative PR Campaigns. Relevance to your target market is a priority and you want to be seen and heard. A proactive annual PR strategy will guide the business at key communications moments throughout the year. At this point, consider us a long-term partner, at your service to get your business POPPING.
This is an annual plan with a minimum of twelve consecutive months.

POP is right for you if you want:
- To make news
- To raise awareness
- Attention from investors
- PR basics to get you started
- Influencers and brand ambassadors spreading the word
- Lots of love and attention for your business