It seems the dialogue around self-love is more prevalent than ever in our digital, interconnected world. Positive self-esteem marketing and public relations campaigns geared toward instilling a sense of confidence in consumers have emerged and contributed greatly to a new self-compassion narrative.
During a time when social media pulls at our heartstrings, mindsets around self-love often preach self-indulgence, self-involvement, instant gratification and fleeting pleasures.
Though, in actuality – when one operates from a genuine place of self-love – an individual is better equipped to give more, to care more, to be more kind, more creative, more collaborative, more present and more self-aware.
Innate self-love can be described as the ability to self-regulate and manage one’s attention and energy from a conscious state of awareness. An individual operating from a state of true self-love prioritizes regulating their physical, mental and emotional well-being, self-aligning from a place of wholeness.
And while the concept of loving yourself seems simple in theory, it is often quite challenging to live as though you love yourself. Particularly when we primarily feel stress and fatigue as a result of the hustle and bustle effects of our fast-paced lives,
Gone are the days you sign off from your work day feeling incredibly accomplished. Today’s digital universe moves quickly, there are always more unanswered emails, meetings and never-ending to-do lists. Nevertheless, self-alignment is the foundation for success in all facets of life and the very key to fulfilment that should always be prioritized.
So, how do you get there? While everyone’s journey is extremely subjective, some general guidelines can help objectify and simplify the process.
It’s all Connected
While we tend to fragment different parts of our life – work, job, relationships – the state we’re operating from day to day spreads across all aspects of our lives, whether we’re consciously aware of it or not. The reality is that it’s all interconnected.
Acquiring knowledge, self-development and self-reflection is a healthy place to start further exploring self-love.
Reading books, exploring resources online and most importantly setting aside time to slow down and self-reflect.
The Generous Present Moment
As Eckhart Tolle would say, ‘The past has no power over the present moment.’
Our minds are cluttered with limiting beliefs, and practising being consciously aware in the present moment is a skill that can be cultivated.
Try practising guided breathing techniques, taking a moment to pause between work tasks and being less judgemental of yourself and others.
A Morning Routine
Cultivating a mindful morning routine that involves harnessing your energy in the waking hours of the day works wonders. Instead of reaching for your phone, checking the news and allowing 100 notifications to enter your mind before you’ve even gotten out of bed – save this precious time to go inward and connect with yourself.
Incorporate a guided morning meditation, journaling, self-reflection, words of affirmation or yoga into your morning to set the tone and intention for the day.

We’re Basically Plants
We are quick to forget, but we humans do require proper nutrition, hydration, sunlight, and exercise to be healthy and reach peak self-development. Give yourself the gift of good energy that will nourish you at a cellular level.
Scheduling in time to take lunch during the work day to eat a wholesome meal, take a walk in nature to disconnect and habit stack to create convenience around your wellness routine- e.g. have a healthy smoothie in the morning along with your vitamins at the same time every day.
Practising gratitude daily is a powerful process that shifts your energy and brings you more of what you want. Being grateful for what you already have and operating from this mindset allows you to attract more into your life.
Setting reminders on your phone with positive gratitude messages, positive self-talk and appreciating the small things – even a cup of coffee works wonders.

Positive Reinforcements as Energy Shifters
Everyone has their favourite feel-good song, movie, podcast or words of affirmation. These personal gems can shift your frequency to a more positive state in an instant. Always keep a few viable energy shifters in your back pocket!
Collaboration & Connection
When one operates from a healthy state of self-love, one tends to require less from others. In this case, collaboration and connection become a byproduct of self-regulation. Take care of yourself first and see the way that it drives ingenuity, creativity and relationship-building in your professional and personal life.
Setting team calls that require collaboration during slower work days to create space for creativity to flow, encouraging two-way open communication between team members and promoting a communal work environment is a good start.
Healthy Boundaries
Sometimes cultivating a space in which one can operate from self-love requires setting healthy boundaries. Being able to say no when necessary and accepting when others say no, clearly communicating what you need and respecting the needs of others creates an environment that honours the collective greater good.
Setting realistic goals and deadlines at work, taking time to focus on your own priorities, and communicating openly with others about your capabilities and comforts are some suggestible first steps.
Trust The Process
As Eckhart Tolle says, ‘Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.’ It’s important to avoid sweating the small stuff, knowing that it’s all small stuff. Self-acceptance is key to self-love.
Be patient, offer yourself compassion, and at the end of the day, learn to let go of things outside of your control.